Best Course For Digital Marketing - Study24x7
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Published on 01 January 1970
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Published on 01 January 1970

What is Digital Marketing? How can we be benefited from it? How can students apply for the various digital marketing courses ? We have often heard these questions from the students who wish to apply for the courses under digital marketing. Digital Marketing is defined as the process of reaching out to the customers through the internet. Digital Marketing is a broad field that includes EMails, content marketing, social media and many more platforms to attract the customers. There are many digital marketing courses online and offline that the students can apply for.  

Now, having said that, Digital Marketing is broadly categorized into seven parts i.e. Search Optimization Engine, Pay–Per–Click, Social Media Marketing, Marketing Analysis, Content Marketing, E-Mail Marketing and Mobile Marketing. Students nowadays are interested in technology, video, dubbing, voice-over, interactive content and much more. That is why they choose digital marketing courses. 

Digital Marketing is in trend among the students as it includes the use of the latest technology. It is important to note that the ads that we see on websites, E-Mails or on social media are the forms of digital marketing.

According to a survey conducted in 2018, it is shown that over 52.95% of people use digital platforms on mobile while 43.11% of people have access to digital platforms on the desktop. Digital Marketing has an annual growth rate of 11% including all the online platforms. So, let us take a look at some of the best digital marketing courses in India. 

Well, Study 24x7 is one of the best digital marketing platforms that allow students to choose from various interests. Students who wish to pursue digital marketing can register for courses on this platform. There are a variety of courses under digital marketing on Study24x7 ranging from the beginner’s level to the professional level. So, let us begin from the beginning.

Free SEO Training: SEO for Beginners

This course trains you regarding search engine optimization. Students will have a clear understanding of the fundamentals and basics. They will also learn about how search engines work and how we can use them to promote a business or a website. Students will learn about full–fledged marketing strategy in this course. 

How to write SEO friednly content

There are a total of 14 modules which include 10 videos, 12 PDFs and one quiz. You can further see the course curriculum and register yourselves through the link given below. 

Introduction to Google Ads:

This course is also available on Study24x7. Google Ads helps in an enormous way if you want to give a boost to your business online. This course is for beginners. You can apply for this course in order to get an overview of Google Ads and how it can help you in growing your business online. 

This course has 13 modules including 12 videos and one PDF. This course will clear your fundamentals regarding Google Ads. You can see the course structure through the link given below.

Free SEO Link Building Guide 2019

This course helps the students in understanding the importance of link building in SEO. This course helps you in knowing and understanding the need to build quality links.

This course has 12 modules followed by 14 videos, 10 PDFs and one Quiz for self–assessment. You can have a look at the course curriculum through the link given below.

These are some of the digital marketing courses online that will help the students in understanding the key features and fundamentals of digital marketing. 

Now, let us take a look at Google Digital Marketing Courses. Google has an online platform called Digital Garage that offers free courses on many subjects that will boost the student’s career and will help in business development. Many students take up this online course in order to learn about digital marketing. This one topic (Digital Marketing Training) is broadly and comprehensively covered in the digital marketing course. 

Digital marketing trend in 2021

Now, let us see what you will learn under this course.

  1. Fundamentals of Digital Marketing
  2. How to begin an Online Business
  3. How to expand your business
  4. Social Media Advertising
  5. Mobile Marketing 
  6. How to promote your business using online advertising i.e. Google Ads
  7. YouTube course

These are free online digital marketing courses with certificates by Google. You will learn a lot about digital marketing through these courses and sessions. Now, why enroll in this course? Well, if you wish to know and learn the fundamentals of digital marketing then you must go for the Google Digital Marketing Courses. 

Along with this, it is also important to note that the students can learn to be partners with Google to find the right customers with the help of the above-mentioned courses. 

Students can understand through various examples that they can not only enroll in the digital marketing courses, but can also be partners with Google in order to start their business and expand it.  

Well, the digital marketing courses have been made online where the curriculum and course materials are provided on the online platforms that you register for. The certification courses of digital marketing are for 3–5 months giving you an overview of what digital marketing is and how you can effectively use it in order to start your own business. 

There are many training institutes that provide the best digital marketing courses in Delhi. These courses include:

Digital Marketing Basics

In this course, you will learn about the fundamentals of Digital Marketing. This course is just to give you an overview of digital marketing. Beginners can make use of this course in understanding the basics of marketing. 

Search Engine Optimization

SEO is an important part of digital marketing. The course for SEO is given in the above section of courses offered by Study24x7. Students can refer to the above–mentioned link in order to know the details about the course. 

Keyword Research

Students under this course learn to put keywords in the article they write. Keywords help in making the article more relevant and effective. Moreover, with the help of keywords, readers will easily be able to find your article. Keywords increase the viewership and readership of a particular article. Thus, keyword research is one of the important aspects of digital marketing that students need to learn. 

E-Mail Marketing

E-Mail Marketing is defined as the process in which various companies reach out to the customers via E-Mail. E-Mail Marketing is an important aspect of digital marketing. Students in this course will learn how various ads and content is created in order to send it via E-Mail. 

Some other courses under digital marketing are:

  1. Google Analytics
  2. Social Media Marketing
  3. E-Commerce SEO
  4. Content Marketing

These are some of the best digital marketing courses 2019 that the students can undertake. These courses are available in both online and offline modes. Students can register for such courses. These courses will help the students in having an overview of digital marketing. 

So to sum up, Digital Marketing is an advertising technique taken up by companies in order to reach out to the target audience to influence them in buying a particular product. Many students take up several digital marketing courses in order to get high pay-grade jobs. The roles and courses under digital marketing are mentioned above in the article. 

Students can refer to them in order to know about the best digital marketing courses 2021. SEO, SEM, Market Analysis etc are some of the courses and skills that you will inculcate and learn while studying. Digital Marketing has several courses thereby providing good placement assistance.

Students are advised to choose these courses in order to get good jobs. Students can get a job of a Digital Marketing Manager, SEM Manager, SEO specialist and much more. Thus, Digital Marketing has a lot of scope for the students in terms of career growth and job opportunities.  

Best Digital Marketing Courses 👇👇

Post Graduate Program in Digital Marketing

Advanced Digital Marketing Course


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